Adam Richil practices organic farming

By Munna Rangdi from Kalmakanda, Netrakona

Adam Richil is a resident of Taranagar village of Lengura union of Kalmakanda upazila of Netrakona district. He is 63 years old having a family members of 4 including son, daughter and wife. He is an enterprising and ideal farmer. He has previously worked in a private company and retired from the company concentrating on agriculture work. Today he is making the best use of his time by engaging himself in the agriculture.

He has a homestead of 28 decimal century. He used every space of his homestead land properly. He plants various types of fruit seedlings such as mango, yam, litchi, jackfruit, grapefruit, guava, banana, lemon. Besides, he also grows different types of vegetables according to the season: like brinjal, chilli, pumpkin, cucumber, bitter gourd, papaya, puishak, kakarol etc.

He has 56 decimal of his own cultivated land and mortgaged 200 decimals of land where he cultivates two crops of aman and Boro rice. During the dry season he cultivates bitter gourd and pumpkin on the lands where Boro rice cultivation is not possible due to scarcity of water. He uses earthworm compost to grow vegetables and rice in his lands.

However, BARCIK in 2014, provided Adam Richil with materials and technical assistance so that he could properly prepare and use earthworm compost (Vermi compst). Due to this learning he still today produces earthworm and uses in his field in crop cultivation. He sells the surplus of earthworms after meeting his own demand. He sold 3500 earthworms and 10 maunds of earthworm compost to the private organization Caritas Bangladesh in 2022.

While describing the benefit of using vermin compost Adam Richil said, ‘Earthworm compost is available at a very affordable price. By applying earthworm compost, the quality of vegetables is good. Rice or any crop is nourished properly, rice rot is reduced. The e soil is fertile, and insect attacks are reduced. If you use this compost, vegetable plants will survive for a long time. As a result, yield is obtained for a long time.’

He is also imparting training on earthworm composting as a representative to various institutions. Many people came to learn from him to know the technique of making earthworm compost. He said that among the 6 farmers who had set up earthworm composting houses on his advice, are now using their own compost. He said, ‘vermin compost is very effective in maintaining soil fertility, which I would not have realized if I had not used it.

Adam Richil urged all farmers to practice organic farming. Because if all farmers produce safe food then everyone can consume safe food, he thinks.

Translated by Silvanus Lamin