BARCIK’s Nutrition Bank model to fight against Covid-19

A.B.M Touhidul Alam from  Dhaka


Covid-19 has changed normal life of the people all over the globe within a short time. The pandemic became a threat for civilization. Experts alert us about famine and loss of life. Worldwide thousands of people died every day. Different industries, businesses, offices and markets remain closed during the lockdown, but farmers are busy in the fields. Traditionally agriculture is very important for life and livelihood of the people in Bangladesh. Agriculture is the main production and employment sector of the rural economy. Hence, agriculture is main hope and confidence of Bangladesh in this pandemic.

However, BARCIK has been working with different marginalized occupational groups since its inception. Framer community is one of the main occupational groups. It is important to protect the farmers from corona virus to keep the continuity of food production. We came to know that healthy persons have less risk of complication from Covid-19.

Learning that BARCIK during this pandemic, encourages and mobilizes farmers to produce crops for ensuring food security and increase people’s immunity through agriculture-based nutrition. In order to make its initiative successful the organization has designed a development model which is known as ‘The Shoto Bari-Pusti Bank (Hundred houses nutrition Bank). It is hoped that rural people will get nutritious food, can exchange experience, local seed; get information about health and hygiene; other related information once the model is fully implemented. It is expected that the whole process keeps the farmers physically and mentally strong. It is to mention that BARCIK is implementing Farmer’s led Agricultue in 4 locations: Netrakona, Satkhira, Rajshahi and Manikgonj. And the ‘Shoto Bari’ is a part of BARCIK’s Farmers led Agriculture program.

Family level Nutrition Bank is a method to grow diversified vegetables, where farmers are very conscious about safe food and nutrition value of the productions. Through the Nutrition bank model rural people will get knowledge about nutrition. Apart from this they will also consider safe food and gender aspect of the food.

Nonetheless, through this model BARCIK selected and facilitated 400 houses in its 4 working which means 100 houses from every working areas of BARCIK. All these 400 houses are known to farmers and others as Nutrition Banks which provides nutrition to the family members of the house as well as other people in the areas. Under this initiative BARCIK encourages and provides supports to the selected framers and houses so that they  could use their courtyard, adjoining area of their house, fence, ail, fallen land even the local school premises for farming vegetables and other grains & crops as well as rearing livestock for ensuring nutrition to all. The selected farmers and members of the houses are encouraged to organize courtyard meetings and discussions for information and sharing their experience regarding the cultivated vegetables, plants and other social aspects.

However, it is to mention that on 31 March 2020 in a video conference with the Deputy Commissioners of 64 districts honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh has emphasized on accelerating the crop production exploiting every inch of arable lands. Considering Prime Minister’s directions and advices government and non-government organizations have taken many initiatives to boost the production of foods and ensure safe food for all. The Nutrition Bank model of BARCIK thus the result of the directions and advices of  the prime minister’s directions.

Meanwhile one of the main messages of SDG is ‘Good Health and Well-Being.’ Good health and well-being of humans depends on the availability of Nutrition and nutritious foods. However, Bangladesh is rich in diversified crops, vegetables and fruits and every product has nutrition value. The Nutrition Bank initiative taken by BARCIK thus can contribute in ensuring good health of people through making easy access of nutritious foods. This will enable them to fight against Covid-19 as well.

It is to mention that according to article 18 (1) of the Bangladesh Constitution, it is primary responsibility of the state to improve people’s nutrition level. Bangladesh is self-sufficient in food production but still needs to improve people’s nutrition level and production of safe food. A huge number of people are undernourished and suffer from malnutrition. It is feared that these starving people will be an easy prey of Covid-19 and post Covid-19. Thus, it is expected the Shoto Bari (Nutrition Bank) will be source of safe and nutritious foods for grassroots people. BARCIK hopes that through smooth implementation of nutrition bank model food production and intake of nutritious food by grassroots people will increase.


Translated by Rumaisa Samad